Actually it's been more like two-three months now since it's lost the leaves (didn't realise it's been tht long!)
There are LOTs of roots and all are nice, green and healthy (i repotted it about 2 weeks ago)
I think it's in bark(?) compost and has been all it's life... i remember that the bag said "compost for orchids" which i know isn't helpful but at least i hope it was a suitable compost!
I have had most of my phalaenopsis on a north facing windowsill over the winter because one of the north facing rooms is the warmest in the house (the temp in most others drops to 15C at night)
Gin: hopefully... how long does that usually take?
All my orchids get a bit of water 2-3 times a week... all the otehrs were getting the same amount as this one and they are in the same compost... yet there's notheing wrong with them...
Thank you for the help everyone