Buy a dog?
Just kidding.
But you may want to invest in a hanging system to keep them off shelving. I had 2 cats some years ago and nearly anything breakable on top of anything ended up broken. I now avoid cats in the house. Sorry, cats.
I thought the red blush was the plant telling you things were perfect, but don't give it any more light. I am actually moving my cattalyas to places where that blush occurs. One thing; there was a youtube video in Spanish from a woman talking about orchids in South America some where. While it was never mentioned, her plants were sitting right out on a table under a small cafe umbrella, in full sun and the leaves were bright red. It made me wonder if she was on the road to disaster, or if she was doing it right. I figured living in South America where these kinds of plants naturally occur someone there would have more intimate knowledge about what was safe for the plant. I have seen many plants of the catt alliance that are bright red or have bright red places on the leaves. I know you have a dendrobium, so it must require less light. I think they are supposed to be yellow/maybe a little red, and not forest or pine needle green.