So sorry to hear about this Bec
I know how you feel as I'm sure others will tell you some of the same story you just told us.
Last year .. I lost quite a few 'chids myself and I meen completley finished, even my 5 jewels, oh man was I ticked!!
Even the birds got in the act with stealing all the sphag moss, LOL!
This year only a few went out, not damaged by small animals but rather the very uncertain weather conditions.
I had a few bulbs with teeth marks on them, I would not worry to much about these. In my case they seemed to heal up quickly.
My orchids do love it outside with all the humidity and summer sunshine, But I'm beginning to think, my orchids being outdoors is not the best plan anymore, it's costing me money and grief
I know it sucks but try to have a good day anyways