Hello everyone,
I just wanted to share how successful I have been rescuing nearly gone phals by putting them in green water. My old method was to use spag and bag, but I always had problems with mold due to poor air circulation. Several months ago I saw on this board, probably on the hydroponics board, orchids that were grown in simply water. This has worked GREAT for me!
If a phal has lost most of its roots due to rot or drying out, I cut them off, then dab it with some rooting hormone, and stick it in my jar. I use toothpicks to make a frame that holds it just barely in the water...plenty of air around it. The water turned green very soon, and I just add a little every few days to maintain a level.
The plants have grown several new roots very quickly and have grown several leaves, too. I had put some plants in there that had NO roots, and leaves that were barely turgid. Those limp leaves eventually are cut off, but new ones have grown quickly.
My jars sit in a southern window and get lots of sun.
The only one I am skeptical about right now is a plant that had NO roots left. It has 2 good leaves, so I have it sitting barely in the water. It has been a couple of weeks, but no new roots. But it hasn't completely died, either...
The second picture is of a vase I bought at IKEA. It is planted in the top part with a plug of moss. The roots have grown down into the water on their own.
The lesson I have learned is hurray for green water!
Have a good day!