Discus - thank you for the book suggestion on diseases! I found it and it looks like exactly what I was looking for on relation to diseases and other various pests! Added to my wishlist now!
Silken, I have really considered purchasing OrchidWiz, but being only able to secure part-time work I'm afraid that's a bit out of my budget at the moment, lol... I really hope to get it one day, but since I am only a hobbyist (at the moment as we are considering converting our garage into a huge greenhouse - giggle), I am not sure how helpful OrchidWiz would truly be in relation to the price. It's my brain working a cost-analysis scenario out, lol...
I think I might ask some people at my OS if I can come over sometime and look at the OrchidWiz on their computers so I can get a better feel of what it has to offer.
Orchidsamore - yeah, I tend to do most of my study online or in forums like this. However, I do like to read and learn more, not to mention have reference books around in case I just want to have a quick look or refresh my memory on things without the computer. Thank you for your website! I have added it to my favorites - and of course, Ray's is always one of my favorites as well!!! He is truly a wealth of information!
Also, I usually don't take advice without first considering my factors (environments, ability, etc...) versus another person's. I'm very analytical that way, lol... (though it does get me in trouble from time to time). That's some very interesting comparisons you explained though - and that's what I want to learn. I truly feel that the more you know about how others treat their plants and what they suggest, the better you can evaluate your own conditions and ability to an optimal outcome.
And, back at Discus (sorry for the long thread), I hear you about having a green thumb! About 20 years ago I killed every plant I owned. But slowly, over the years, more and more started living year to year, and NOW I need a greenhouse, lol... I seem to have a second instinct about them now (both orchids, tropicals and my outside garden plants). I spend a lot of time outside (smoking) so I consistently am looking at them and checking them for potential issues. I can't believe how continual practice has honed the greenthumb sense so to speak, lol...
(OK, I'm done chatting now - again, sorry for the long reply, but thank you very much for helping guide me in my search for knowledge!)