I have a NOID Phal that I was given last December. It has a keiki on an old spike and I have some questions:
1) Is keiki pronounced "kay-key" or "Kay-ee-key" or some other way?
2) The longest leaf (of 3) on the keiki is 3.5" long (8.9 cm) and the roots total a length of 3.5" as well. Can this keiki be safely removed now?
3) If yes, what size pot should I use?
4) Finally, in my last picture there is what I believe to be another keiki forming on this same spike, just lower down. Do you think it is another keiki as well?
I'm not worried about the health of the plant as it has grown and bloomed well for me. I believe it probably just has a species in its' background that produces a lot of keikis.

Keiki leaves

Keiki roots

New keiki?
Thanks for all the help,