I have a large tree in my front yard that gets dappled morning sun and late evening sun. I think this place will be perfect for moounting phals.
So i got a bunch of cheapish nice looking phals and i'm planning on mounting them up in the tree on some of its large branches. It's not wood that'll rot it's stable. I got the sphag and i got some of that green moss. Also have fishing line and stockings etc if needed.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to maybe a website or youtube video that'll show me what i need to do. I'll be watering them every morning until they get situated on the tree.
1. Does the sphag go on the tree between the roots and tree? Or does it go on the outside to cover the roots?
2. Should i put sphag on the tree, roots on the sphag and then some tree moss around for decoration and water retention?
3. Should i leave some root tips exposed or should they all be covered?
I will be mounting them upside down so its more natural for them. Anything else you guys think i should know?
When I mount, I put a small amount of sphag on the mount, add the plant then another small amount of sphag on top of the roots. Fishing line to hold the plant to the mount being very careful not to cut the roots with the fishing line. Your tree will look fantastic with the phals blooming on it!