I have a dendrobium phal-type (purchased in bloom exactly one year ago), a dendrobium victoria-reginae (never bloomed), and a dendrobium miyakei (never bloomed). According to the seller said that the miyakei may bloom this year or the next year and the victoria-reginae is expected to bloom next year or the year after. I have attached photos of each.
I would like to know more about their caring for them in the fall - winter period as I know that some dens are dormant. I am growing them indoors on an east facing window in NJ. The current temps are 60s during the day and 50s at night. My winter temps are 50s during the day and 45 at night. I will use a heating pad to help keep temps up a bit. They are all potted in a medium bark mix (med bark chips, sponge rock, charcoal). In the summer, I watered by soaked them for 15 minutes once a week.
1. When is it best to remove the sheer curtain to give them more light?
2. Just confirming - victoria reginae & miyakei go through dormant period, den phal does not, right?
3. When do I start reducing watering for their dormant period?
4. The den victoria has active root growth within the pot and the keiki reaching into the pot. Can I continue to water as I have been (soaking in 1/4 strength fertilizer for 15 min)?
5. The den miyakei is showing active growth (keiki growing nicely). Should I continue to water as I have been? (Same watering as den victoria reginae)
6. The den phal is not really putting out anymore leaves and looks the same the past few weeks. Do I need to stop fertilizing at this point?
7. Do I need to do anything special to get any of these dens to bloom?
Thank you for your advice!
Here are some photos of the 3 dendrobiums:
Dendrobium phal-type:
Dendrobium miyakei:
Dendrobium victoria-reginae: