Coming up on 2 months now I went to an orchid show and got 9 new orchids, 2 of them were my first Coelogynes, a flaccida and a rochussenii. The flaccida looked good, but the rochussenii didn't look very good at all, even though it was a very standard price and not cheap. I only got it really because I had seen it on the site and really wanted it (and it was the only one there).
I repotted the both when I got them home, which I later read they don't take to kindly, and I put them in fine bark. The rochussenii had only 3 roots and they didn't look great, 2 have since died, but 1 kept going and it got a new one (I know this as hubby knocked it over and it came right out the pot

The flaccida looked rootwise, but since then almost all visible roots have died, 1 is covered in mould but seems still alive.
It is only this week that their leaves have started to get worse, the flaccida had great leaves but now has a brown/yellow spot developing (see pic), and the leaves have yellowed, and the rochussenii has the one leaf that has very rapidly become completely yellow with just a couple of green rings in it. I sprayed the rochussenii yesterday with fungus fighter, but I am not at all sure this is the right thing.
I am guessing I should remove the yellow leaf, but what else should I do? I know it is coming up to their rest period could this be at all related? I have had some problems with mould in the medium of a few of the orchids, even though it's fresh, can fungus fighter spray deal with this? The directions talk about spraying on leaves. What might the mark on the flaccida indicate?
Thank you for any help (I know these aren't really beginner orchids, I just really loved the look of the rochussenii).