I picked up a Paph. Saint Pinot on Saturday (Saint swithin 'Conquest' x Pinocchio 'Solent'), and ive been reading culture requirements. Ferts says weekly weakly, plus keep moist water once or twice a week.
When i got her home i popped in a skewer to better keep an eye on the moisture. When i pulled the skewer out this morning to test the moisture on my lips.... YUK! its slimey!
I cant imagine much has changed for this plant in the 3 days ive had it, so i imagine they are supposed to be slimey?? Something produced by the roots to keep them moist??
So what am i looking for in watering here.... the degree of slim? "keep plant slimey at all times"?

"do not allow slime to dry out"??
Or maybe its a reaction to the bamboo skewer??
My first thought.....HELP ORCHID BOARD HELP!!