If you're using sphagnum moss you should let it get crunchy dry on top before you water again. That piece of advice saved my whole collection when I was starting and overwatering Phals in sphag ! Every damn book I read said the same thing about watering JUST BEFORE it goes dry which is NOT NATURAL because in nature it doesn't happen that way unless it's in Oregon or Washington State, LOL !!! They DO have dry spells in nature and, even when they don't, like Silken said, their roots are exposed to air and dry out a lot quicker than when contained in a pot ! That's the other advice that helped me as a novice, "the WORST thing you can do to your orchids is put them in a pot" !!!! Unless, of course, they're terrestrials !
So, in other words, try to imitate nature as best you can and you will see the results in your chids !!
Last edited by Merlyn; 10-02-2011 at 07:45 PM..