Should Catts be staked?
I recently bought an orchid for $2 and thanks to the members of this forum have determined that it is some type of Cattleya. The bulbs and leaves are all growing at 45 degree angles relative to the pot, (as opposed to straight up). There was a stake in the pot sort of holding a few together when I bought the plant, but they were still more or less all over the place.
I've since repotted and removed the stake, my question is, is there any harm that could result to the plant if I leave it unstaked, or is the staking more of an aesthetic/personal choice? If I should stake it, is there any method or tips? Should I do all the growth or only new growth?
I don't mind its current wild nature, but I want to provide the best conditions to get this thing to flower that I can.
Thanks in advance.
Also, if you want to see a pic for reference, see my post on the identification thread.