Ok, I have recently become an orchid addict. That said, due to recent reading info I printed out at work, I think I have begun an endeavor that I will not suceed in. Here's the story. I have my set up on an island that divides my kitchen and living room. Not in a basement or greenhouse. I have phals and onciduims. I know orchids need humidity, so I have them grouped on a humidity tray. They are around 2 1/2 to 3 ft. from Led chip tech grow lights from Orchid Web, and the temps are usually around 65 to 70 day time, and a little cooler at night. Of course, it's fall here in Vt., so the winter temps day time will be around 65 day time, maybe 60 at night.
That said, I'm reading that they will
not rebloom if I don't have at least an 8 to 10 degree drop in temps at night. I don't know how I'll manage to do that in my house. Will I have to move them all into a cooler room every night?

(The heat in my studio is controlled seperatly, and can be kept cooler) If this is what I'll have to do, will moving them all to that room and back again each morning hurt them? ? So far they are growing new leaves and new healthy roots, but no emerging spikes yet. It may be too soon...
Anyway, ventilation is possibly another issue . I have no means of fresh moving air in the winter months in the area of my house where they are. My living room window doesn't vent, (or would I want to open it in the winter and waste fuel oil) but I can get a small clip on fan to give them moving air. Is this enough? Am I a hopeless case??


:bu a: