Originally Posted by Tim P.
Well yes and no. I did have two orchids before the one I have currently. The first one was from walmart. Had a disease when I bought it not knowing it, so I gave it to my Sis in hopes she could revive it. Diddnt work out. Then my Sis bought me one, wich had crown rot that she diddnt notice at the store. Lasted less than a few weeks b4 the leafs were lost. So I feel that those first two were not even fit to be counted due to the fact I wasn't the one that caused the death. The one I currently have now, Wich is the first 'fair' chance I have had at an orchid is over two months old in my care. Seems to be doing ok. It is in bark. So I would consider this my second orchid.
Okay. If you love it enough, I say get it. I don't want you to be disappointed if something happens to this one. I'm sure that it will be there later on. I'm guessing you like Phals, I'm on a Cymbidium kick myself. I love both. I think my first 10 were strictly Phals. lol. You can find Cyms that are inexpensive, and they require basically the same requirements as Phals, or can at least live in their conditions. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong!