You say that this Phal is a little bit more shaded than the others. Could be that you may need to boost the light a bit more. Sometimes that's all that's needed to help it spike, and I have noticed in my phal collection that some need more light than others. I would assume that the night temperature is good for spiking if you are getting spike on other Phals. Do you know how cool it gets at night where it is?
A trick you can try is to add some epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) to its water for a few weeks. Magnesium is sometimes the limiting factor for spiking, and increasing the amount the plant gets can help trigger blooming. I was curious when I read this and used it on a cym that refused to bloom for years (despite proper culture) and the one year I used epsom salts it spiked. It's usually used at a dosage of 1 teaspoon per gallon (US gallon), and used for 4-5 waterings.
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Last edited by camille1585; 09-18-2011 at 12:08 PM..