Originally Posted by sapphireeyes27
I noticed that the new leaf on the phal is a bit purplish. My phals haven't produced any new leaves yet and I was just wondering if that was what they were supposed to look like.
I've had certain crosses start with purplish leaves that change to green later as they mature. From the sounds of yours, I really doubt the light is too high - in a closet?

What about the rest of the leaves - are they deep green? This usually means very low light. My suspition is this plants wants to grow, more than you want it to. It's surviving just about all the attempts to rot it

. I still think cutting the flower spikes is the sound thing since it will put the energy into leaves. After a couple leaves mature, give it a chill at night (55-65) for a few weeks then move back to its old home. Should see new spikes soon after that.