I've got a fungus gnat problem. They were pretty much isolated to one room. My orchids were doing fine, showing no gnat habitation for many months... until now.
Apparently the gnats finally found the nice moist moss bedding of my phals and are having a party. My phals were just recently repotted, so I don't think there's any fungus growth. I had thought they only appear where fungus exists, but apparently they can do well in moist areas and even encourage the growth of fungus.
I've read up on a number of treatments. The two prominent ones are neem oil and GoGnats. I don't have a lot of plants to treat, just a half-dozen. I suspect neem is the more natural way to go about it, although I understand that it stinks pretty badly. Is GoGnats the better choice? Does this stuff last a long time? The smallest package of GoGnats I could find is rather large 16oz and is $25 shipped. With neem, it was 8oz for about $12. Recommendations?