I got this plant and it's labeled "C. walkeriana," but I don't know if it's just me...it doesn't look like the walkerianas I saw in photos. It's still a young plant, btw. Here's a photo:
Do you think this is a walkeriana? Or do you think it's mislabeled?
Last edited by Orchidreamer; 09-11-2011 at 09:51 PM..
Aww okay thanks! Was just wondering, because I was expecting shorter, rounded leaves. And...is C. walkeriana unifoliate? But then again, some orchids occasionally alternate between 1 and 2-leafed bulbs. Oh well.
Chryss is right, we need to see it bloom. It differs from most species of Cattleya by having inflorescences which arise from the rhizome instead of from the apex of the pseudobulb. It is unifoliate.
You need to trust the tag. Why wouldnt you? Do you think theres some twisted minded folks who likes to play with your mind? If youre really in doubt go ask the grower you bought it from.
Okay...just thought it looked different from the ones I've seen. But then again, I don't know much about walkerianas and have seen only a few of 'em. Nah, this was more of a matter of curiosity (not really thinking that people have "bad" intentions). Anyways, I'll just wait and see
Last edited by Orchidreamer; 09-11-2011 at 11:04 PM..
Its still pretty young but it does not look like walkeriana to me. The longer p-bulb and leaf reminds of C. Dolosa, however a lot people sell Dolosa as walkeriana not knowing any better. The good news is that Dolosa is usually pretty darn attractive!