I think my plants after 30 some odd days at over 100 have become heat stressed. I was hoping to get thru this with all them outside that need to be outside, but I'm finding too many small things that are causing problems. And...
Heat related stress seems to be the common thread in all of them. Specifically, I didn't have any soft brown rot until I moved some of these outside. Leaves all nice and shiny are now dull lifeless and leathery. Odd rot here and there is taking a small new shoot, bulb or leaf a day it seems. got to stop this right now. Trimmed them all up. The ones who suffered some kind of damages where brought inside cleaned up and root checked. The Roots are fine but the plants just arent taking water fast enough. They cant until it gets cooler outside. I feel better bringing them inside and stuffing the windows again
..Not going to let them burn like I did last year so I have learned somewhat...I might have learned a little late but I have lots of good stuff taken in so in 4 or 5 weeks back outside..maybeeeee
heres the AOS link for
Heat Stress