I found an article (
Beginner Houseplants: Any plant groups on the NO NEEM list?) referencing using neem oil as a soil drench. I just used it on all my orchids (dends, phals, BLC, Iwan, Epi) and so far so good. I have fungus gnats, spider mites, & possibly biting midges (from living on a pond) in the orchids & my other plants. I used BTi instead of Neem oil to water my herbs and spider plants (since my spider plants seem to double as catfood). 100% pure Neem oil was strongly recommended (1 qt Dyna-Gro available on Amazon ~$28) and I used the recommended 2 Tablespoons Neem oil & 1 teaspoon mild dish soap (I've heard non-concentrated, non-Ultra Palmolive is safe - found @ Dollar Tree) per gallon of water. All my plants but the big Plumeria tree seemed to do okay. The big Plumeria seems to be recovering and was severely dehydrated when watered. Probably should have watered it w/straight water few days beforehand. Using the Neem oil as a soil drench seems to be helping with the spider mites on my orchids - and plumerias. The older and least healthy leaves haven't shown much improvement but the newer and healthier leaves have few or no spider mites. The midges & fungus gnats were gone from the soil almost instantly - although Neem oil isn't supposed to be an instant-kill solution. I do think a few repeat treatments will be necessary - and that I'll use it prophylactically after that. At least using it as a soil drench keeps the rest of my apartment from getting soaked & my cats from getting into the wet areas. Oh - the neem oil did smell pretty strongly the first night, a bit milder the next day, and was gone by the 2nd day. None of my neighbors complained - at least to me.

Anyway, hope this helps. Have fun!