I don't see any new roots.
I see an eye that holds promise but it will still be some time before it grows; and it may not, especially if you keep removing it from its potting media to look at it.
New roots will usually grow only after the eye has begun to grow AND after the plant has been held stable in the media for a considerable amount of time.
I have a plant in the EXACT condition yours is in and my eye has begun to grow out as of just three weeks ago.
I waited almost one year without disturbing the plant....no kidding
For this plant, I would not remove it from the media again. There is no point since no roots are below the rhysome(s) and thus there is nothing below to "rot" unseen.
If any new roots grew from the base of the rhysome (highly unlikely) you would just disturb them.
Get it snug on the new media with a rhysome clip and let er be
Of course I am speaking only from a cattleya standpoint.