I got a burr. nelly isler a few weeks ago and posted on the board my concerns about wrinkly PBs a couple of weeks ago. The conclusion was that there might be a moss ball in the middle and I should repot. Not having the right medium for repotting I ordered it (and a few more orchids

). It took a few days to arrive and in that time I was so scared I was killing her with over watering I stopped watering....
I had checked on her roots before I ordered the bark and they were good and healthy and strong (the ones I could see). When I repotted her I did find a moss ball, but as I had let her dry out the roots were white and not the healthy green any more.
Since then her PBs have got more wrinkly, and I have read up about it, and I shouldn't have let her get dry

So today I took her out her pot again and looked at her roots. They are almost all dead, I think I saw 2 with green in them, and they were short ones. I cut off the dead ones and put her in a pot which is half filled with polystyrene and half potting medium (poly at the bottom), and watered her. Now I can make sure she doesn't dry out as before, but she has almost no roots! Help!
She looks ok in herself, except for the wrinkly PBs, a tiny bit of browning on a couple of leaves is all, and she got that while she still had roots.
What should I do? I will try to get some KLN at the weekend (there is an orchid show I was planning to go to anyway).