Hi Everyone,
I'm hoping that all you experts here will be able to help me. About two years ago, my fiancee bought me my first orchid, a white and purple Phal. It was doing pretty well for about a year, then had several leaves fall off. I successfully brought it back, but then this spring when we were cleaning the plant got moved into direct sunlight for several hours and toasted 2 of the 3 remaining leaves. They quickly withered and died. Down to one leaf, I tried to nurse it back to health, but I evidently did not succeed. The plant did however produce a keiki on the existing stem.
It has been doing ok, it has two little roots each about 5/8 of an inch long. Several times a day I mist them with a mix of water and orchid fertilizer. I just want my little keiki to continue to grow and not wither and die. I have considered sphag and bagging, but it kind of makes me nervous that it will get too hot and get harmed that way. I hope to make a humidity tray this weekend and see if that helps. I have this orchid and my fiancee's orchid in the same north-facing window. Any suggestions or ideas of what I should do (as well as when I should consider potting it) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.