Hi all!
Thanks for the warm welcome in your break the ice section.
Maybe someone can give me some advice. I am a total beginner so excuse the me if im a little off with the terminology.
I have a beautiful Phalaenopsis that just finished blooming. I repotted it recently in bark and took all the precautions to sterilize the pot.
The plant still looks very healty but I’ve noticed some small white spots (about 3 of them) on the leaves. Any ideas what this could be?
If its' insects, it could be mealy or scale. The photo is not clear enough to see what it is. (God knows I've has enough of those)
You could get some Q-tips and rubbing alcohol. Dip the tip and carefully apply this to spot in question and try to work it off if you can. Easy does it you don't wanna poke a hole thru the leaf
Oh BTW ... Welcome to the forum! Nice to have you along with all of us!!
I can't really tell either. It could just be a leaf boo boo. Could have got poked or some other physical damage that made the tissue die. If that's the case it won't hurt the plant it will just be unattractive until that leave is shed.
Sorry it is very hard to tell from the photo. If it is a bug then it might be scale. do what is suggested above. If it is physical damage to the leaf there isn't much you can do.