Originally Posted by Fumi Lai
I searched some forum and though I underwater it so I gave it another cup of water only 3 days after I last water it. According to the forum, if that was the problem, I should see immediate improvement. But this is day 5 now it is still down~~~~~ not getting worse I guess, but should I be concern?? Please see attached picture. Is it normal or it is sagging a bit?
The problem is that over-watering can also cause this problem, and in many cases that's the cause. Over-watering causes roots to rot, then the plant can't absorb the water and shows all the symptoms of lack of water. It's always best to check the roots if you have this kind of problem because if they are rotting then watering more will only make it worse.
Leaves sometimes sag a bit if they shop had it in a bag which held them upright. After a few days of being out the bag they can turn more downwards. If they feel really limp then that is not right.
Originally Posted by Fumi Lai
Another question is, usually when I water it I just use a little cup and pour it over on the sink. But when I see some video and also some website, people are POURING like 2 liters of water or just let the tape run over the phal! Of course most water will drain but I am so afraid of overwater since what happened to my other baby phal.
Over-watering stems from sitting in water long term, not from a lot of water pouring over the roots. In nature Phals grow clinging to trees and when it rains water runs down the trunk and over their roots which are wrapped around the trunk. They can have a lot of water pouring over them at that time, but then also get a lot of air and so don't rot. It's when the roots don't get air because of too much water left around them (or broken down medium which clogs the gaps in the medium and stops air flow).
I water with either standing them up to the top of the pot in water for about 5min then draining completely, or I run a lot of water through them and then making sure they drain completely.
It is quite possible you are under-watering if you only use a cup full at a time. But if you leave even just that cup full sitting in the bottom of the pot after watering then you could be over-watering.
Phals like plenty of water when they are watered, but there then needs to be plenty of air around the roots, so we ensure they are not left standing in water so that the water can dry from the gaps in the medium and allow air in.
I advise that you water well, drain well, then wait until the roots at the bottom of the pot are silvery tinted (rather than bright green) before watering again. If you don't have a clear pot then use a skewer as advised above and wait until it comes out dry before watering again.
Originally Posted by Fumi Lai
The potting medium of this Pahl is a mixture of bark and soil I think. So, what is the correct way to water it to make sure I am not under or overwatering it?
Thank you very much!!
It should not have soil in. It may be that the bark has broken down to the point it looks like soil. As I've said above you need nice air gaps between the bark and if it's broken down that much it will be stopping that air flow (some of the stuff sold for orchids is no good for phals because it's too soil like, some of it even has a picture of phal flowers on the front, but it's no good if it's too soil like).
I would repot in something which is more bark chunks so that air can get around the roots.