Hi PaphMadMan
Thanks SOOOO much for the suggestions! I went off and viewed the miniatures section as you said, and HOLY MOLY!!

that was more information than i could possible have dreamed of!!
I must of scrolled thru over 300 posts of THE most gorgeous setups and blooms that i have EVER seen... and i still have over 500 posts left to read!!
First on the top of the list was Wondrboy's nano viv at
3x3x5inch high and well... im just lost for words on how tiny, and unique and BEAUTIFUL it is... cant WAIT to see it bloom!!

...And scrolling through everyones bloom images (including yours!


... I really am so totally inspired
I have ALOT of research and work to do... all your pointers duelly noted

... nice strong light, no resevoir/heatmat needed, light should be enough to heat the tank, gonna need a fan to take the heat out the light source and circulate air, gotta make a lid to house it all in.... get it all set up n measure my specs see what needs tweeking and what ive got to work with
Thanks so much for sending me in the right direction to get started!!
