Hello all,
I'm not new to orchids but I'm new to cycnoches. I just bought my first one in spike, and it has 2 leafless bulbs and 1 leafed bulb with two spikes. I didn't look carefully when I first got it two weeks ago, but I noticed that the two older bulbs are slightly wrinkled, if you look very closely at the surface. If I press them firmly using my thumb and index fingers, they feel a little soft...just a little bit. The newest leafed growth doesn't feel this way.
I don't know if I'm not watering it enough? It is potted in some sort of expanded clay pellet. Or if the flowers are stressing out the plant (it has 32 flowers
)? Is this anything to worry about? The roots are good, and I see no signs of rot, which I heard is common in these types of orchids.