hello everyone. I think it is the bloom season. most of my dens are blooming The first one has been blooming regularly. I put it as noid until I saw a catalogue showing a similar picture and named burana charming. the second one has peach lips and is blooming for the first time. 3rd and 4th shows the same plant. It was with me for 2yrs-spiked last time but all buds blighted . This time also one blighted and another is in the process.The plant is just 3'' high despite all my attempts-must be a miniature den??? pl. help
you are right LV. I rechecked and found that This is Den. burana charming .Can you post a of your den? A flower lllr to the first was called den. hidden money in that catalogue.
can anyone help me out regarding the "miniature". I have tried everything, but the plant never gets bigger.ONLY THING LEFT IS TO SUBJECT IT TO RADIATION AND CHANGE IT TO HULK
sorry, lllr stood for similar- like ll stood for parallel - dates back to our college days when we used to scribble down lecture notes. Anyway, as both of them appears to be similar plants and I got my id from a Thai orchid mail order catalogue, I guess your id is correct. 2 more of my new dens are spiking. will post as soon as the flowers open.