Originally Posted by eggshells
Hi, Sorry I am not familiar with the rules in this forum and I got a warning posting something like that on another forum lol. So I am reluctant on posting it.
I am not really fond of reading manual, policies and rules. But give me a book about orchids and I will read it from cover to cover. I guess I should start reading them! Someday!
As one of this sites's moderators I can say we have absolutly no problem about you saying nice things about vendors. In fact we encorage it. If you've had a good experience tell everyone who it was. While we don't like spam and are very strict on that, positive orchid vendor feedback from someone who isn't obviously closely related to the vendor is not counted as spam and is perfectly welcome.
We generally try and keep rules as easy to follow as possible here (and as few rules as possible) so that everyone feels relaxed about posting
If you have negative feedback we have a rule that you should have 100 posts before you start a negative thread. To be honest I'm not sure if there is a rule about replying with a 'me to' type post if someone else started a negative one about a vendor. I should know as a moderator I guess

but personally I think it's fine because you are just backing up what someone else has found.
The reason for the 100 posts rule is because bad feedback can be damaging to companies and we don't want someone with a personal reason to flame them to come and post unjustified negative feedback. 100 previous posts represents a user who is here to take part in our forum, not just here to flame a vendor.
It's a real shame about Paramount who previously had a good reputation