The answer varies a lot depending on the type of orchid. With a Cattleya type I would choose a new pot that will allow room for 2 new growths out from each lead. Repot at least every other year regardless of wether it still fits the pot or not. Repot sooner if the next growth will go over the edge of the pot. The best time to repot is just as a new growth is putting out its first roots.
It sounds like your plant doesn't have enough healthy roots, which probably accounts for the wrinkled leaves. The plant will struggle until it gets a flush of roots with a new growth but it should survive. Don't repot it again unless the pot is much bigger than I described, just make sure it isn't wobbling in the pot. New roots can't really take hold if the plant isn't stable. Use a stake if it needs it. Probably all it really needs now is time and TLC.
Last edited by PaphMadMan; 07-08-2011 at 11:59 PM..