And all from the same vendor or what... and yes, what are your conditions that you could handle that many all at once... I'm impressed... and yeah you'd better have the camera primed and ready!!! We expect a lot from the new members.....
I hope you meant several hundred dollars and not several hundred plants.
After 6 years or more, I have slightly less than two hundred plants and worry I will be overwhelmed.
If your number is that high you may have a good bit of trouble.
I am guilty also however of spending several hundred dollars on two or three orchids at a time....but I do subsequently invest the time to secure their survival as best I can
About the most plants I've ever ordered at the same time was 5 or so. Unpacking them, examining them, oohing and aahing, entering them into the database with all details, finding the proper place either in the GH or plant table (depending on the season), then keeping an eye on them to see if they are adapting to my conditions. All this takes time. I sure hope you either did not buy so many plants or you have a couple of months free to attend to them.
Beverly A.