Hi I have just bought a new minuature Phalaenopsis and it has two spikes already in bloom. I have just noticed that there is a new growth forming at the base of the plant and I'm not sure whether it is a new root or a new shoot. I will enclose a pic. I would appreciate your advice so please could someone let me know what to expect.
Unfortunately, I am having a problem uploading my pics. - any advice about how to send an attachment because it's not allowing me to attach the photos?
Hi Jennyfleur. I have done as suggested and gone to the gallery to upload my pics. Now I am getting a 301 error code when I upload them. It is quite frustrating. I will keep at it. Many thanks for the advice.
Hi, I'm sorry I can't help more. The only problems I've had in this past is from file sizes being too big or my internet connection being a bit wonky at the time. Maybe, when one of the others comes on line, they can help you more (you could even post a separate post saying 'need help with uploading pictures' or something like that) and then more people will find it.