Thank You ALL - Just a few more questions
Completely due to the help I have received from members of this forum, for which I thank you all, I now believe I understand what it takes to get a Lady Slipper to send up a spike and bloom.
As I now understand it; after the first bloom is gone and the spike is removed, the plant will grow new growth (called a fan). Then later (up to 18 months) after this new fan has matured it will send up a spike and a bloom will appear. Please let me know if I have misunderstood this cycle in any way as I want to get it right in my mind.
Now, just a few more questions; 1) will the “old fan” which produced the new growth produce more than one new fan? 2) should the “old fan” be removed after the new fan has matured? 3) is there an optimum humidity needed (Las Vegas – Nevada typically has 10% humidity, so I am worried)? 4) will a 20% difference in day-night temperature be required to “trigger” growth of the new spike? Just a few questions turned out to be four more. Sorry about that, but you all know now how much I value your advice. Again, thanks so much.
Last edited by Gunde; 06-28-2011 at 01:27 PM..
Reason: Forgot to add title