Super new and really wanting to do it right
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Old 07-09-2007, 10:10 PM
sapphireeyes27 sapphireeyes27 is offline

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Super new and really wanting to do it right Female
Default Super new and really wanting to do it right

I have always admired these beautiful plants. Before they were popular, I used to see them at plant shows and extensive gardens and just loved them. Now that I have my own home, I'd like to try to grow them. The problem is that I am completely new at this and don't really know what to do. I had a phal once before and killed it within a week. I do well with plants, and have quite a few African violets, but I have always wanted to get an orchid and actually have it live. I bought one two months ago and put it in a southernly facing window, but keep the blinds partially closed so that it wouldn't get too much sun. I made some serious mistakes at the beginning because I didn't know any better. I have since done my homework (I've read Orchids for Dummies about five times!). So now, I need some help.

First of all, I put my orchid (which is in a clear pot) in a bowl and watered it by putting water in the bowl. I think I may have damaged the roots by doing that. Some of the roots are still green and plump, but others are black and mushy. Should I be worried and is there a way to fix this?

Secondly, I think the phal is planted in some sort of moss. When I look at the top of the plant, it is dark, but when I look at the sides, the moss is a light brown color. Is this alright?? Does it need to be replanted?? The books say that they should be replanted in early Spring, but it is way too late to do it then. Should I just leave it as it is?

Thirdly, what do I do when the orchid stops flowering. It's been flowering ever since I got it. It had one flower and a bunch of buds. The buds have all already opened and look amazing. The thing is, the first flower (the one that way open when I bough it) just recently seems to have collaped and died. That's fine if the orchid is ready to stop blooming, but all the other flowers are fine. What on earth is going on??

I really would like to get more orchids and maybe even get a plant table to grow a bunch of them indoors (I can't afford a greenhouse and really don't have the room), but I want to do it right. I have read a few books and plan to visit an orchid shop and go to the Ottsville Orchid festival in hopes of finding more information, but any advice you all can offer would be wonderful. I know that this is a lot, and I am going through the threads to find information, but these questions have been plaguing me since I bought it!

Any information would be amazingly appreciated!!!

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Old 07-09-2007, 10:32 PM
Djarum Black Djarum Black is offline
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Hi Rachel,

Welcome to the OB! Glad you joined us here
Secondly, welcome to orchid growing! The addiction will set in if you are not careful

About your orchid, pictures would be great but it sounds a bit like you overwatered. I don't know what type of orchid you have but I probably wouldn't water it by leaving it in standing water.
If the orchid is in a clear pot only water when the media your using feels dry or you don't see any mositure through the sides.
If your worried about your orchid roots then repot now. Don't wait till next spring to do it. I repot whenever I think I need too. Take the orchid out, look at the roots and cut off anything black, mushy or dead looking. Sterilize the blade or whatever you use when your done. Then give it a good rise to be sure you got all the old media off.
Remember to get a new pot and fresh media to repot if possible. Don't reuse the old stuff. Theres often icky things like fungus, bacteria and all kinds of nasty goodies still in there.
Repot your orchid.
About the flowers, the first to open blooms often fade first. I don't think thats a problem, but someone else may have more info on that.
Sounds like your doing pretty good though!

Welcome again
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Old 07-09-2007, 11:17 PM
Lagoon Lagoon is offline
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Hi Rachel,

DJ already gave you good advice! Perhaps it's time to replant.

3 Things come to mind about the S.moss.
First - There's not enough air reaching to the root zone.
Second - Your moss is spent and holding on to alot of moisture.
Third - The moss is too tightly packed.
All fairly commen problems with sphag moss.

I don't like to use pure sphag. I cut it up real well and add coarse rok and change the moss within the year.
Which would be around spring time when the new growth starts (Growing season) Uhhhh I love those 2 words together

I can't afford a green house either and probably never will. So ..... I grow indoors under lights. It's wonderful to see blooms thru out the year.
Freaky to see blooms around christmas time with 3 feet of snow on the ground. But I deal with it

I also have a few fans hanging about for good air movement - Keeps things cooler and helps dry things out abit, gotta watch for build up

Anyways I'm sure you will be hearing from many other members here.
Read all you can, Don't be shy, and ask for help if you need. Just jump in!
Nice to have you here with us -- Welcome aboard Rachel
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Old 07-10-2007, 07:52 PM
sapphireeyes27 sapphireeyes27 is offline

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Thanks for the information!

I'm going to repot the phal now so that I don't run the risk of root-rot or the potting medium killing it. I guess I'll just pick up some orchid potting medium from a local store? I know that I need to soak it for 24 hours before I use it. Is there anything else that I should know??

About the pot.... you said that it would be best to get another one. Should I get one from on-line or would they sell orchid pots in home depot. I know that orchids like to be in clear pots and that the pots should have a lot of holes. Anything wrong so far?

As far as growing orchids under lights.... can I just hang up a light next to my orchid or do I need to get a growing table/ plant table? My one orchid (a phalaenophsis) is very happy where she is at the moment, but I already want another one (or two??) and I want to make sure that they will all have adequate growing conditions in my house.

Since she is next to the window at the moment, I plan to bring her farther into the house when it gets cold and put her under lamps. I just want to make sure I'm doing it right.

Thank you sooooooo much for all the advice!! I really appreciate it as does my orchid.

Thanks for the welcome to the board too!

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Old 07-10-2007, 08:34 PM
Djarum Black Djarum Black is offline
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The potting media you should be able to find at any home improvement store I think. The clear pot, I think that will be harder. I've gone to a few places looking and more often then not I have to buy them online. Your location may have them, I am not sure.
I would get them with holes yup
If you need a pot quickly go to your super market and buy yourself a treat from the deli. The containers they use to put potato salad or any type of moist food will work as an orchid pot! Just remember to drill those holes!
As far as light, I think your phal is ok. Many people grow them in their homes without any fancy lights at all. The leaves will often tell you if the light they are in is not working out for their needs. If the leaves are very dark green try to increase the light a little bit.

P.S, Feed your need for another orchid! I am sure it will make you smile and orchids always love new friends
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Old 07-11-2007, 08:53 PM
sapphireeyes27 sapphireeyes27 is offline

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I hate to be a pain, and I really am trying to figure this stuff out from the internet and the forum, but I have another question. I looked at my phal today and noticed that the blossoms are looking like they aren't going to last too much longer. I know that when the first flower drops, I am supposed to cut the "flower spike" halfway down the stem.

Alright.... so is the "flower spike" the entire green thin thing that comes out of the leaves or is it just the portion where the flowers are? And does it matter where "halfway" I cut it? I read somewhere else that I should seal the cut with melted candle wax. Is that true?? I have been looking for orchid societies in my area, but apparently the one closest to me is no longer active. Hm... :-(...

Thank you for all your help!!!!
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Old 07-11-2007, 09:40 PM
Dorothy Dorothy is offline
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Can you provide us a photo of it?
How does the tip of the spike look?
Is it green and have small buds on it?
If so, I would leave it alone.
It is normal for the phal to loose it's oldest blooms to allow for newer buds and flowers to open.
Is this the case?
If you have a green spike turning yellow or brown to the point where all the blooms are falling off and the spike tip is dry and not green .. I would cut it back ...

Some say cutting above the (3rd) node will induce spike and bud growth.
Others say cut the spike all the way down to replenish the plant.
Any comment from others are welcome.
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Old 07-11-2007, 10:31 PM
sapphireeyes27 sapphireeyes27 is offline

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The spike is green and has weird-looking buds on two parts. I have tried to include a picture, but my digital camera is ancient and has really bad resolution (I really did intend to buy a new one a while back!).

I'll leave it if it's fine how it is. Should I remove the flowers now that they are wilting or should I just leave them fall off?

Is the base of the plant okay? I bought potting mix and plan to repot the phal in the same pot (I can't find any clear orchid pots and the ones online are charging me outrageous shipping!) soon.

Thanks for the help again!!
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Old 07-11-2007, 11:02 PM
slipperfreak slipperfreak is offline
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Hi Rachel,

I agree with everything that was said above. With Phals, the flowers will die one at a time, starting with the oldest one; that is normal. I would be careful with water though as SM retains moisture well and excess moisture causes rot. After it finishes flowering, I would cut off the spike and repot in a medium grade bark mix with a little moss mixed in.

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Old 07-11-2007, 11:41 PM
Dorothy Dorothy is offline
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Let nature do it's thing - Let the flowers dry off and drop on their own ..
Your plant looks very green and healthy though I can't see the roots.
It seems like it's all in moss so don't water it until you see that there isn't any moisture in the inside of the clear container .. and let it go another day .. better a little drier than soggy.
I don't know the conditions of your growing area .. is it humid? dry? This will also determine how moist the moss stays. You can always work your finger down to feel the degree of dampness.
Never let the phal container sit in water .. use a saucer underneath it and place that in a shallow tray with water to give the plant some humidity. Many don't believe that humidity trays work but I feel something is better than nothing ..
Phals love air circulation - you might want to look for a slotted (on the sides) clear pot when repotting.

I have heard of using candle wax on wounds ..
Cinnamon is also good to use on any open cut.
Both of these are address in the following thread - Cinnamon?
I hope this helps. Good luck !

If anyone has any other comments please add them
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