Originally Posted by tcrane
Yup, not enough water. You might check out the thread on 'Vandas in Vases' which was pretty useful for those of us looking to grow Vanda's indoors. There's also been the suggestion of using Spanish Moss as a drape around the plant to increase humidity, I purchased a huge (green-house grown and very clean) clump of it from Botanica Ltd for $5 for this very purpose.
I totally agree with Tristan!

These also need to be in your brightest window -most light possible, and appreciate being fed.
My experience with spanish moss:
I have an Ascocenda hybrid I grow in a vase. She gets watered just about every day she has been/and is, in flower (2 spikes) for I believe a good 6 weeks (I'll check exactly) - she has also developped lots of roots, some very fat ones. A couple weeks ago I added a part of a
Tillandsia to the top of the vase. Tonight when going to water I noticed it has what looks like another spike emerging!
I'll know in a week or so if root or spike...? I have really seen a difference on my plant since I added the Tillandsia. (roots dry less fast, & new growth?..)