Originally Posted by Tim P.
I will water it with reverse osmosis...
That's fine.
Originally Posted by Tim P.
[I will water it] only when the roots turn silverish...
Ok, you're on the right track...
Originally Posted by Tim P.
...[I will water it] about once a week on average.
Depending on how fast the roots dry out, the frequency by which you water the plant may vary.
Originally Posted by Tim P.
It will be placed in a south window, but in filtered light.
I'd watch if the Phal develops a reddish-violet anthocyanin tint to the leaves. That is a sign of the light being too strong.
Worse case scenario is that it will rapidly develop signs of sunburn without any prior warnings.
Originally Posted by Tim P.
The vendor is reputable, I have only gotten 1 orchid from them and I have no complaints. Others on the OB have good things to say about them as well.
Originally Posted by Tim P.
...and it is a hybrid.
That's fine. But do know that just because the Phal you intend to get is a hybrid, doesn't necessarily automatically make it "bulletproof" because of it's breeding.
Whether you prefer hybrids over species is up to you. There are certainly very many wonderful hybrids to choose from.
Originally Posted by Tim P.
I think how the plant will look once it's in bloom is beautiful.
Originally Posted by Tim P.
...and what do u think about the plant itself?
If you're asking whether I think this particular hybrid is hardy...
My answer would have to be - tell us more about your growing area.
Do you happen to know the day and night temperatures of your intended growing area?