So I got this phal over a year ago. It's done very well..The blooms fell off after I had it for 3 months so I cut the spike below the last node and put cinnamon on it. The spike always stayed green. It never grew again but the whole stalk stayed green until a week ago.
The roots were growing out of control so I repotted it this April and it was fine, didn't seem traumatized or anything. I moved out of state end of May and unfortunately it sustained some damage when it was packed in the car. (see pics below)
It seems to be recovering, and it now has a new leaf sprouting!!! But the spike is brown and dead about 1/3 of the way down. Should I cut it? If so, where should I cut?
Do you think it's getting a new leaf because it's getting more light? Or is it in response to the 2 biggest leaves being damaged?
Any input would be appreciated...thank you!!