Originally Posted by zxyqu
Ok, I had these same questions last year when I first got my in spike Psy. Lets start with the multiple plants question first. Are you sure it's 3 separate plants, and not just multiple growths of the same plant (this would be my guess, since you aren't sure what it's potted in.)
As to what you should pot it in, I'll start with 2 things. 1: it'd help for a better picture of the potting media directly if possible, even if you have to lightly pull the plant out. 2: these guys are remarkably tough, and can take some punishment (including the spikes).
As to what does it like to grown in, you'll get as many answers as responses. I grow mine in S/H, partly for the perks of S/H, but also because the extra weight of the clay pellets. If you choose something else, put some rocks/etc in the bottom to keep it non-top heavy.
Finally, as to risking the spikes, witha bit of care you should be ok. If you want to stake them with something then wrap them mostly in newspaper, that should provide enough cushion to prevent most accidents. Even if you snap one, the spike may still be viable (again, these guys are hardy). But I would wait for the bloom to drop, as I wouldn't want to hurt the "prize."
Hope that helps, but ask away if you have other questions.
Thanks so much for the info! The reason I thought it was separate plants is because the grower I purchased it from told me that. I'm new to this species, so of course I believed him lol! It's a reputable company to begin with. I agree that it looks like one plant with multiple spikes, and I'm sure that it must be.
Very good to know about the plant being pretty tough, maybe that's why I'm having success with it
Maybe the plant isn't in need of a repot? It seems to be doing great right now; however my question would be how do you know when they NEED repotted? I can see a few roots growing out of the ventilation slits, and they are thin and white. Normal?
One more thing: This is going to sound extremely stupid, but what is "s/h"? Sorry....I'm a newbie!!!