Hi everyone!,
First of all, this is my first post on this site, and boy am I excited to be here!

but anyways...
So I got a Blc. Paradise Jewel "Flare" a month ago, and it had just begun to grow a flower sheath when I received it (unknown to me, it being my first orchid, i thought it was just another leaf for the longest time)
The psuedobulb that it is on is also very swelled. Now the sheath has stopped growing, and if I shine a flashlight through it i can just begin to see a little 1/4" bud in the bottom of it and the base of the sheath is getting wider (yay!!) So my question is, when will this little bud grow and bloom into a flower? Can anyone give me an estimate from experience or knowledge? Also, the plant is growing a new pseudobulb, it has grown really fast, like it went from a little bud to 2" in less than a month, will this have any affect on the flower growth time?
Another thing, the sheath has little redish spots on it, it still seems completely healthy though, is that any cause for concern?