I have three masdevallias. O'brien's passion,Rebecca,and white angel. the first two are doing great, but my angel keeps on losing leaves. I tried everything watering more, less, fertilizing, repotting and nothing workes. I really need advice, I dont want to lose this plant
i got the pictures below off the web, but they looks like what I have.
Last edited by ryrycochinco; 06-11-2011 at 05:12 PM..
Hi , Could be Temps. I don't know what part of the US. you are in but if it is a cooler growing type they will do that if it is 2 warm to suit them . Also I try to use either rain water or RO. on them and weaker Fert .
Thats what I've been thinking. My greenhouse is in the 60's -70's, 80's on a hot day. I'm debating whether or not to take it out. But them it'll dry out. Would placing ice on top of medium help?
Here is what I found out on the web it is Masd. White Angel is: 50% constricta 25% coccinea 12.5% strobelii 12.5% veitchiana I would google the names to see if it is a cooler grower . I am not up on them. . I have heard of putting the pot it is in inside a clay pot with moist Spagh. between the pots dunno about the ice might damage the roots . I brought mine in the house with the a/c last year and set them under an artificial light on a rack over a tray of wet pebbles . This year they are on a rack in the green house that is over a half barrel pond thing but mine are supposed to be warmth tolerant . Your Temps. are about the same as mine are ..Oh I see you are in NYC.
I really [B]don't think ice is the solution at all! I Would Never put ice on any plant! orchid or other.... pictures of the real plant would help get an experienced persons suggestions on what to try to keep it happy growing & flowering as long as possible !
Good Luck! and look forward to learning more on these 'chids & seeing how you do!
if it's not the temp it could be the light I use artificial and it can get pretty hot. i though the same thing about the ice, but read about it on the internet and people do it. i 'll start by taking it out of the gh then try the ice if that dosent work. Thanks for your help.
Last edited by ryrycochinco; 06-10-2011 at 07:23 PM..
Its in a 2inch pot, resently down sized from 3 and a half Because it came in to big of a pot from seller. I use wood chips with sphag on top.The roots seem fine.
Last edited by ryrycochinco; 06-10-2011 at 07:37 PM..