I purchased a very nice no-name phal last August from a supermarket. It had two inflorescences at the time, which I cut back as the blooms dropped from each. Both rebloomed, and a third spike joined the party. It's in the process now of putting on its second leaf since I've had it, and has two root/spike buds forming at the base and has added a few roots over the last couple of months. All indications are that this plant is loving life.
However, I've got two issues and want to make sure that I'm keeping this plant as healthy as possible. First, one of the spikes that rebloomed came back peloric. It wasn't peloric in the first case, and the other inflorescences are normal. Is this a sign that the orchid is stressed in some way?
Second, some of the roots have brown patches on them. I'm not too concerned about this as they generally seem harmless, but every now and then I notice that an area on the root will sort of shrivel. I'm wondering if there's something I can do to prevent this, or if it's just a natural part of the aging process.
The phal sits on a northeast windowsill in my bathroom that catches just the tiniest bit of morning sun during the summer. I water it weekly, and it gets a nice blast of humidity from the shower every day. I fertilize very weakly with an all-purpose fertilizer on the order of once a month, give or take (yes, I know, the urea won't break down properly, but there are other sources of nitrogen in the mix).
When these blooms drop should I try to encourage it to bloom again, or is it time to give this plant a rest? Take a look at the pictures below to get a sense of the plant and the issues I mentioned.
Thanks in advance,
My lovely phal.
One of the peloric flowers next to a normal one from a separate inflorescence.
Note the roots on the right hand side -- very dark brown spot, and also some of the roots that have shriveled up.