Isabelia virginalis leaves yellowing and falling off
Hi all,
My Isabelia virginalis doesnt seem very happy. It's continuously growing new leaves, but the older ones keep turning yellow and falling off.
It's mounted on a stump in my terrarium up near the light. I water it every 2-4 days, mostly in the morning, and it dries by night time.
The environment is very humid, I would say 80-95% humidity. There is no air movement right now other than me opening the lid and blowing air in manually.
I have never fertilized the plant.
I assumed in the beginning the problem was over watering or too much moss holding too much moisture around the bulbs, so I removed 50% of the moss and started watering it less, but the problem persists.
Do any of you have ideas as to why the plant isnt doing well? If so, please help!