Hi Everyone. Do you know a Dendrobium alliance species or hybrid that would bloom with as little as 1000-2000 foot-candles of light available? Growing conditions are warm. Stefpix suggested Dendrobium sulcatum, but it has very short-lived flowers according to IOSPE. Are there any other species?
I checked Oak Hill and Andy's for Dens that bloom in lower light levels and was only able to find one that fit within your range, Dendrobium cuthbertsonii. Are you able to supplement lighting so that you can select from a wider range of species?
Thanks Amanda! Oak Hill Gardens and Andy's are the places I check first of all, too . I'm afraid my growing conditions are too warm for Den. cuthbertsonii, unfortunately; it can get as hot as 90 F on occasions. Thanks anyway.
You might want to do a bit more research on D. sulcatum bloom's duration. I think some folks get the flowers to last longer depending on growing conditions, and I also understand that they can bloom more than once a year. -Stephen
Dendrobium Angel Baby ‘Little Darling’ (Snow Baby x Snow Angel), Dendrobium lindleyi (species) and Dendrobium Specio-kingianum ‘Casablanca’ (kingianum alba x speciosum) all grow well under lower light Phal-like conditions.