Originally Posted by scy
Wow! Thanks for the tips everyone! The seller I purchased the cym from said that it does not require cool temps for it to bloom and should bloom in July - August. I was concerned that it wouldn't receive enough light indoors so I wanted to do what was best for it. I don't really have a shaded area outside unless I put it behind the bbq grill (and move it when I start grilling of course).
I just went to [URL="http://www.firstrays.com/remedies.htm"]First
Hybrid plants can always be bred to require different culture than typical. For example, I have a blue vanda that is "cold tolerant". Someone who has more knowledge regarding cymbidiums would have to comment on whether some do NOT require cool temps.
Here is the link for the AOS culture sheet on cymbidiums: http://www.aos.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Cymbidium&Template=/CM/HTMLDisplay.cfm&ContentID=6846