Hi Destan, I live in the Caribbean and therefore have a similar climate (and problem regarding needing info on growing orchids in the tropics!) as you do! I try to read a lot on orchids but often find it hard to figure out how to translate all that I've read -- written from the perspective of a temperate climate grower -- into something that makes sense to me here in the tropics!
Since I'm a newbie, I can't offer much help (just here to express solidarity! lol). All I can say is that I've found the most success, in my 1-2 year experience, growing Vandas.
I know I've read a lot that says cattleyas and dendrobiums require a winter's rest but the 'winter' period is the rainy season here, then when they are growing profusely, it's our dry season. All my plants are tropical species (i think..!!) and so I wonder if I should listen to what I've read or just go along with the natural tendencies of my climate.
Well, hoping as much as you do that we get some good tips out of this thread!

thanks everyone!