Ok, this is not a Phal, but it is a Vanda relative...
It has only 1 good root, and many of its leaves still intact.
I messed up with this one. There wasn't a whole lot of growing information on this particular species, nor is it widely grown (or known for that matter). I didn't realize just how humid this particular species needed to be grown (it needed to be grown very humid). Needless to say it got dehydrated and many of the roots died off (save 1) and all the leaves shriveled.
I couldn't keep up with watering this guy, so I put this plant in my snake tank where the humidity is very high (it's the same tank I put my Phal appendiculata in). I also tend to spray this tank down everyday, (the snakes are tropical snakes, so they love humidity as well), so that cuts down on the amount of orchids I have to go around watering individually.
Eventually within a few weeks, this plant grew a new root. I have high hopes of this plant making a full recovery in about 1 - 2 years (although, I do have to say that this species when grown correctly will apparently be very hardy).
I hope these pics will give you enough confidence to know that what you plan to do can be done.
I've already shown you pics of a Phal with no leaves recovering. Now I've shown you pics of a Vandaeceous plant beginning to recover from root heavy damage.
So, here are the pics:
Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 05-29-2011 at 03:01 PM..