Phal is for Phalaenopsis .. correct

and they do like bright light but not direct light as the 2 are very different!
Bright light for phals consist of a sunny exposure with the plants set away from any direct rays of the sun coming through a window. That, or shade the window with a sheer curtain. The phals will love it!
As for fertilizers, this has been taken from
orchid food, fertilizer for orchids,non urea fertilizer
All commercial Orchid fertilizers are labeled with three numbers, such as 10-20-30. These three numbers are the percentage by weight of the primary nutrient components of Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous or phosphates (P) and Potassium or potash (K) in the fertilizer.
Nitrogen is important for leaf and stem growth and provides the rich green color in leaves.
Phosphorous provides for root and flower development.
Potassium helps build Orchid tissue and aids in the production of vital chlorophyll.
That site continues to explain fertilizing and its ratios for orchids ..
Please use the search option and type in 'fertilizer' for past archives of first hand experience on this subject as different genus of orchids grow best under specific fertilizer ratios.
Personally, at this point with mostly catts and phals, I use an orchid fertilizer with urea free lower nitrogen. But I have been told by growers, private and commerical that many use 20-20-20 for their plants.
Best to gain as much info as you can by reading and asking questions and see what your chids like most by experimenting, watching and learning!

Oh I almost forgot .. I fertilize with a weak (half strength) solution at least once a week
After and only after I have watered the roots