Can't fit roots into a shallower pot...
Mornin everyone.
Was wondering what I should do when I can't fit the roots of my phal into a newer pot.
I wanted to change the generic opaque plastic pot my seedling came in into a different pot for more air circulation and light. The thing is that the roots in the middle were growing straight down and is very firm and turgid, and the net pot is a bit shallower (but still has room for growth) than it's original pot. I can't seem to figure how I can make the transition without breaking those few long roots so I can get the plant at an appropriate depth. (Minus the obvious getting a deeper pot) haha. I already soaked the plants in water so it's easier to work with, and it didn't really increase the flexibility of these particular roots
I realize it's probably too soon to "repot" because it's not potbound and hasn't curved and bent around itself, but I just wanted to change to my preference of pots
Has anyone had this problem before?
Last edited by Shyulace; 04-13-2011 at 11:16 AM..