dont know if any of you ever got home with your nice new orchid and thought "Where does this go? how much light how much etc etc etc..I think we all been there
But I want to add a tip I saw,heard or made up from plain common sense taking over on occasion.
When you purchase a plant(s) from your local greenhouse you are visiting note where the plant was. East, West, South, North facing..Ask if you have to, as they wont mind telling you if your bio-compass is off. How much light was it grown in? Some have maps of whats growing where and how much shade or light is available..60% shade..30% shade, whatever it is they know..Ask..
Note the temps of the greenhouse. Some don't feel hot bec they have lots of air flow, or swamp cooler blowing on you. If you stand there long enough in my experience you will start to sweat profusely. Some plants while in high light are kept very cool by the fans and live in quite high humidity. The ones in the very back under high light and low temps high humidity vs the ones up front in high light and higher temps and lower humidity.
So you see in one greenhouse you can have very different environments. It will help the success of your new plant if you place it in an area thats as closely simulated to where it was grown as possible.
Hope this helps someone as much as its helped me notice more about where I'm buying from and placing plants when I get them home!!
thanks you