Is it possible to save this orchid; the leaves are wilting and a brown color is spreading from the center. It does not look like a fungus, but I am not sure. I have tried fertilizer(19-31-17) and increased watering. It is a small plant that has bloomed once.
after 5 posts you can post pictures, and a picture is necessary to see what it is you are talking of....sounds like a crown rot, in which case the orchid is dead....rinse it with hydrogen peroxide, and let it dry out....only water an orchid every week or so....
Does sound like a crown rot and pictures would be good to confirm.
I didn't know you needed 5 posts to include pictures. Probably a bit limiting as new users often need to post pics, but I guess it's to stop spam pics.
If you have pictures on an external photo sharing website you should be able to post a link to that for us to see.
My orchid is still recovering from crown rot (hydrogen peroxide and cinnamon remedy) and I would like to repot the plant. Would anyone have suggestions on what type of potting material I need to use for this delicate and recovering (hopefully) orchid? Thanks.
Last edited by MESFLR; 07-13-2011 at 04:05 PM..
Reason: Place in new thread.